Vanbrugh Castle School

Sports day 1956

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Sports day 1956

The VCS sports day (instigated by Webb-Jones) was usually held on the ground belonging to the Royal Naval College. The initials of the two houses ( Harries & Cordingly) are held aloft. (Probably taken in 1956)

Top Row (standing) : Alan Ponting, Anthony Rowling, ?, Peter McLeod (thumb up), Robert Hall, Terence Green, Royden Jenkins, David Wilkie, David Willis, Michael Lewis, Brian McLeod, John Valentine, Peter Kennet, Kenneth Wildish, ?,
2nd Row : ?, Colin Bartlett (holding signs), John Forsdyke, Christopher Pafford, William Antill, Christopher Gibbs
3rd Row : Hugh Croxford, David Pafford, David Gardiner, James Thompson, Donald Taylor, John Deemer, ?, Andrew McCulley
Bottom : Michael Laughlin, Michael Fenner, Vernon Towner, ?, ?

A blurry high jumper clears the bar.

L to R : Peter Kennet, octogenarian Roberts, Tilly Tillotson, David Jones ( housemaster and temporary headmaster at this time & organiser complete with loudhailer)

Brian Shorter clears the bar in style. This from a later sports day in the 1950's.

L to R : Unknown, David Jones ( housemaster ), knobbly knees

The highlight of the day : potato-and-spoon-with-hand-on-head race for the adults.

D R Jones behind arm on left, Tilly Tillotson (white dress). Who are the others & why is the small girl there?